Dr Andrew Oppy

Orthopaedic Surgeon - Fracture, Trauma & Limb Reconstruction Surgeon


Mr Andrew

Dr Andrew Oppy

Orthopaedic Surgeon - Fracture, Trauma & Limb Reconstruction Surgeon


Fractures, Trauma & Limb Reconstruction Surgeon


Andrew Oppy is an orthopaedic surgeon with a specific interest in the orthopaedic management of all trauma injuries (fractures) and their sequelae.

Andrew grew up and attended school in Melbourne before finishing his medical degree at Monash University in 2000. He became a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons after the completion of his Orthopaedic Surgery training with the Australian Orthopaedic Association. In addition, Andrew completed 2 further years of fellowship training in orthopaedic trauma surgery, limb reconstruction surgery, and pelvic/hip trauma surgery in Australia and the United Kingdom.

Apart from the clinical aspect of trauma patient care, Andrew spends a considerable amount of time teaching locally, regionally, and internationally. Over the past ten years, he has taught and presented in the UK, Scotland, USA, Canada, Switzerland, Dubai, South Africa, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Bangladesh, India, New Zealand, and Australia.

Currently, Andrew works as a trauma surgeon and limb reconstruction surgeon at Epworth Richmond Hospital and The Royal Melbourne Hospital and fulfils the following roles:

Epworth Richmond:

  • Lead Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon
  • Chair – Perioperative services committee
  • Position on hospital Medical Advisory Committee

Royal Melbourne Hospital:

  • Deputy Director of Trauma Service
  • Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon

He maintains a keen interest in research and education and is a member of the following professional organisations:

Common Injuries Andrew treats in his private practice:

  • Achilles Tendon Ruptures – Acute
  • Hamstring Tendon Ruptures – Acute
  • Biceps Tendon Ruptures – Acute
  • Foot and Ankle fractures
  • Tibia plateau (knee) fractures
  • Patella Fractures
  • Fractured Neck of Femur
  • Wrist (distal Radius) fractures
  • Elbow Fractures
  • Proximal Humerus (Shoulder) fractures
  • Clavicle Fracture
  • Stress Fractures
  • Pathological Fractures
  • Infected Fractures
  • Knee Arthroscopy
  • Ankle Arthroscopy
  • Fine Wire Circular (Taylor Spatial) Frames
  • A/C Joint Injuries

Specialty Interests

  • Orthopaedic Trauma – management of all acute orthopaedic fractures, associated injuries and their sequelae
  • Adult Limb Reconstruction – including post-traumatic reconstruction, joint fusions, deformity correction, non/mal unions and fracture/bone infections
  • Performing the above surgery using the world’s latest advances in locking plate technology and fine wire hexapod external fixation devices
  • Arthroscopic assisted minimally invasive trauma surgery to the knee and ankle

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(03) 9038 5200.